Integral Embodied Self-Initiating Youth Gatherings

Poland, Europe | Next: May 14th - May 18th 2025

Welcome to the IYG25 where you will discover and co-create your way of being yourself and in connection with others over this year, and the following.

The IYG is a space for co-being & co-creation. 

Our orienting questions are:
What way of being do we want to embody more of? How do we want to be in relation with others?

The IYG offers a supportive field for inquiring into these questions
and for embodying our answers more fully in the world.

Connect with fellow integrally-inspired beings from Gen Z & Y :D

IYG 2024

IYG 2023


We are weaving a net of trust, meaning that:

All co-creators/participants have had at least one authentic conversation with one of the IYG organizers
about joining this space, to check if there is alignment for joining the gathering.

up to 40 co-creators total

Gen Z & Gen Y (Millennials) = 18 - 42 years old
[18+ because it would drastically increase the legal complexity]

Qualities of Co-Creators

integrally-open & excited about Wilber's Integral (Theory &) Practice,
which is our common reference point/shared framework to orient what is happening & what we want to happen.


We have put together the 10 key aspects
of Integral Theory for this Gathering ...

... in this walkthrough video

See a snapshot of our full Miro-infographic below
(click here to open the original & comment).

For those interested in our sources,
here is another widely-used introduction to the integral approach. 


We are relating in our own intentional culture
inspired by Circling Europe & Authentic Relating.
We are cohering a safe & brave emergent space
to show up  & live the human experience more fully.

Our 5 agreements are:

1. Self-inclusion
2. Personal freedom
3. Co-Creation
4. Self-responsibility
5. Support

Here is a link to what we mean by that :D
If you want to join, you will be asked to agree to these  during  your Onboarding Resonance Call.

There are no boundaries imposed on us by the location
(apart from taking care of the property and upholding the Polish law).
Our only group-enabling constraint is that
we don't need to ingest any state-altering substances
(since we will most likely experience many extraordinary states of consciousness
through connecting & being in touch with ourselves already.)

What will happen is entirely up to us.

As such, we practice self-responsibility, which to us means that
everyone self-initiates to meet their own needs and can offer to fulfil wishes of others.

This is a space for us to just happen around each other with what feels real to us.
The main desired outcome is that we more deeply realize what it's like to be human.




4 Nights 

May 14th - May 18th 2025

at the
(ul. Górna 20, 57-500, WÓJTOWICE, Poland, EU)

We have the whole location to ourselves!

It's a Guesthouse located in the upper part of the village of Wójtowice in the Bystrzyckie Mountains, at an altitude of over 700 m above sea level. Our house presents original regional architecture, renovated in accordance with the classic Sudetes style. 

English is our lingua franca & default language at this gathering.

Arrival & Departure

                                                                                                               Arrival: Wednesday 14th May 2025 in the afternoon after 12:00pm 

                                                                                        Wrocław Nicolaus Copernicus Airport is the closest airport to reach Wataszka

        We are organizing shuttles from the closest train station (15min) Bystrzyca Kłodzka
which can be reached directly in ~2h from 's primary train stations in Wrocław. 


We practice a co-creator mindset that lets us grow up from a consumer role,
meaning that you are very much encouraged to share your own gift with us,
e.g. in the form of a workshop.

Gifts that were shared in previous years included:

-.Opening & closing the gathering with Developmental Ecstatic Dance
- An Open Space day - emerging our wishes for a full-day in real-time
- We-Spaces inspired by Authentic Relating™ and Circling®
- Emergent Music Sessions towards the end of the gathering
- Parallel Women's - and Men's Circles
- Swedish hosted Sauna Sessions
- embodied movement practices

Impressions from the 2024 IYG gathering in story form:
Document Link (by Robin created with AI)

The beauty is that we can always come back to our inner center &
choose to meditate or rest.
Food is already organized :)


Shared rooms 

 The financial commitment of the contributions' scale between 200-300€

                                                                                            •200€ for covering the cost of the gathering (standard)

                                                                                            •250€ for funding any contingencies             (supportive)

                                                                                            •300€ for sponsoring generously the IYG25 (supportive) 

With this, we are creating an all-inclusive experience for ourselves,
incl. B&B room, 2 cooked meals plus breakfast and awesome amenities.


Co-Organizers (2025)

Cinzia's  Facebook
Main Leader 2025

Nayma's Facebook
Main Leader 2025 

Michał's Facebook
Main Leader 2025

Co-Organizers (2024)

Kaja's LinkedIn
Main Organizer 2024

Jana's LinkedIn
Supporting Organizer 2024

Co-Organizers (2023)

Jakob's LinkedIn

Co-Founder &
Main Organizer 2023

Lennart's LinkedIn

Co-Founder &
Supporting Organizer 2023 

Robin's LinkedIn

Co-Initiator &


reach out to one of us Co-Leads here:
or directly schedule a call to check if there’s alignment for you joining:

Send an (informal) email to
if you want to receive our newsletter.

We will close enrollment on the 15th of April 2025
to finalize preparing the gathering.



We gave a workshop & presentation at the Integral European Conference (IEC) 2025:

This is a space for us to create what we want to see in the world!